Blog Intense

May 28, 2024

Blog intense is a continuation from my last bullet point introduction.

In future this blog system could become the norm.  A little teaser of what’s to come, with the possibility of it not coming at all!  Sound familiar?  Moving on…






Collingwood Confidential

Firstly, as some of you may already know, I have moved all of my sessions to Fetish House in Oakleigh South. Collingwood Confidential housed me in the gorgeous and very therapeutic dungeon (room 6), and I owe them a huge thank you for doing so. After 12 years at CC, I packed up my equipment and bid farewell to room 6 before I taking a week long break to Tasmania.




My holiday was blessed with gorgeous weather, great food, and scenery.  I saw Mona museum for the first time and learned the fascinating story of how it all began.






I drove a beautiful black Mustang; the car that was originally aimed at women drivers, and I think they got it right. With luxurious leather seats and a seductive feel to the vehicle both inside and out, I felt a slight addiction coming on after a few hours on the road; but there are more important toys to spend my earnings on;  leather, latex, whips and canes.







Speaking of Leather and whips, I have recently added to my whip collection. If you’d like to see my new pieces, book an appointment. You might be lucky enough to see them ‘in the flesh’!

If whips aren’t your thing, so be it.  I’ve recently received a new set of dragon canes. Canes, like whips can be painful, but if it’s done right, you’ll be pleading for more soon after the initial sting subsides. Recently I have introduced caning therapy to several visitors. The responses have been seriously fabulous!


Try it!

You know what they say – don’t knock it til you’ve tried it!

On that note,

I will see you soon.






Alex Vicia

Blog Introduction

May 8, 2024

Blog Introduction.

Due to the fact that I’m on holiday from tomorrow, I’ve no time to finish my blog that you’ve all been waiting so patiently for.

Here is dot point summary for you in the meantime.

  • Winter is close – this paragraph will detail my love of leather etc.
  • Latex – I have new latex item arriving soon!
  • New Canes – arriving soon!
  • Holiday – leaving tomorrow, watch for exciting updates on my Instagram page
  • Return date – Saturday May 18th
  • My roster – my new schedule will be up and running after my holiday

So much excitement for you to look forward to!

Kind regards

Alex Vicia




Welcome to 2024

January 27, 2024

Welcome to 2024 … Read more…


November 24, 2023


Read more…


September 24, 2023

Here is a recent review:

Read more…


July 2, 2023

 The Holiday of a Lifetime

Hello readers!  Yes it was the holiday of a lifetime!  Read more…

You May

April 24, 2023

Greetings readers. Yes you may take a short break to read my latest short update. Read more…

March Madness & April Action

March 30, 2023

More March madness & April Action Read more…

2023 – 15th Anniversary

January 29, 2023

2023 – 15th Anniversary

Read more…

See you 22

December 27, 2022

It’s time to say  See you to 2022. Read more…


Mistress Alex Vicia:
Call 0449 935 908
SWA 6735XE · © 2013-2024