Time flies when you’re having fun.
New Years Eve seems like yesterday and it’s nearing mid March already!
So far this year I’ve had some super sessions with my regular visitors and formed some new connections in between.
My latex body bag is having a regular work out and is usually complimented by a number of toys including my E-stim kit.
My birthday celebration resulted some nice gifts received, including a lockable device called ‘Screws’. This little beauty sits on the shaft of the penis and with a tweak of the ‘Screws’, does wonders to the reactive qualities of a slave or masochist. For me, there is little more satisfying than seeing the face of a man doing his very best to not get too excited over whatever tricks I have up my sleeve, to excite him!
If you haven’t caught up with me for a refresher this year, I look forward to catching up soon; and if we’ve not yet made acquaintance, what are you waiting for? See you soon!
Alex Vicia