Today’s blog is about my beautiful Sjambok.
A few years ago now, Melbourne was graced by a visit from internationally renowned Mistress Baton. During her visit I was educated about the ‘Sjambok’ – a heavy leather whip that is given and received by the keenest of corporal punishment connoisseurs.
Originating from South Africa, the Sjambok has several uses including a punishment implement in the judicial system, cattle herding, protection from snakes. They are even still used for self defence by many members of the public.
My sjambok is made from legally sourced Hippo and Kudu leather.
Realising there are hoops to jump through in regard to certification and customs, this post is a Thank You to Mistress Baton for sourcing, communicating, and posting this item. I’ve been in possession of this implement for a couple of years, and only now blogging about it.
It’s never too late to say thank you!
A second thank you goes out to my long time friend and client who compares the impact to ten times that of a cross between a cane and a whip.
I greatly enjoy sharing my beautiful sjambok with you!
Alex Vicia